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Smiling Woman

Advocating for and serving members of our community.

ACCEPT was and is the only community-based organization providing HIV/AIDS prevention education, intervention, and support services targeting African Americans in Washoe County. ACCEPT was founded in 1995 by Pastor Glenn E. Taylor Sr., as an outreach ministry of the Greater Light Christian Center Church. In 1999 ACCEPT acquired its own 501c3. African Americans account for more HIV and AIDS cases than any other ethnic group in the United States. Although only 12% of the US population, African Americans account for 47% of all HIV/AIDS cases. 

We do not discriminate in our provision of services, we serve all ethnic groups and races. We also provide substance abuse prevention classes for children and parents, parenting education, wellness groups and trainings, capacity building trainings, and supportive care services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS in addition to HIV/AIDS prevention.

Our mission is to empower underserved individuals and families by providing public health services and resources through community partnerships serving a multicultural population with emphasis on at-risk communities.

Christian Men's Alliance

Men in Suits

Mission: "Developing Men of Valor for our time"


The Bible tells us "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]—blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he. (Proverbs 29:18 AMP)


The vision of Christian Men's Alliance plays out in many ways as we work

to affect the men in our community, who lead by example in their homes and workplaces. 


In a nutshell, the vision of CMA breaks down as this:

To come alongside men as they reach their maximum potential as leaders in their home, church and community through Biblical training, accountability and friendship.



Every church needs to have a purpose statement that answers the question, “why do we exist?” At Live Free Church, our purpose is the guiding factor by which we filter every idea and plan of action.


Our purpose at Live Free Church is summarized in a single statement:

“Empowering people to live a life of freedom through Jesus Christ.”


Our statement of purpose is based on two scriptural insights concerning Jesus: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (Luke 4:18-19)


If the Son gives you freedom, you are free! (John 8:36)

Live Free Church exists..

To worship God with passionate expression.

To share the Good News of Jesus with others.

To connect with other believers in meaningful relationships.

To empower leaders to fulfill their God-given destiny.

To prepare disciples to impact present day culture.

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